Thursday, April 1, 2010

3 Simple Secrets To Having A Boy

By: James Winter

There are a few simple secret which you can work out naturally to increase the probability of adding a baby boy to your family. The following secret can increase the chance to have a boy.

Firstly, we need to know the difference between the X and Y sperms. The Y sperms which carry  Y gene, are responsible for conceiving a boy. While X sperms which carry the X gene, are responsible for conceiving a girl. The Y sperm move very quickly, are quite small and don't live as long as the X sperm do. They are proficient swimmers, but they must reach the egg quickly and fertilize the egg first or they will die off.

 - The Right Diet
The foods you eat can effect the gender of your baby. If you want to have a boy, a diet rich in foods containing sodium and potassium is essential. Some recommanded food is Sweet corn, red meat, banana and peaches.

 - The Right Time
You need to calculate intercourse as carefully as you possibly to ovulation. The Y sperm only have restricted time to make it to the egg and you need to provide them sufficient of chance to get there before the X sperm do. If you can calculate intercourse to the exact day that you ovulate, you are greatly increasing your likelihood of having a boy.

 - The Right Position
Sexual positions which allow for deep penetration can additionally increase the chance to have a boy. By allowing the man to orgasm as closely as possible to the cervix, the Y sperm will have less distance to go in their path to the egg. Since they need a headstart, you are again giving them that extra edge to make it to the egg first.

The most common positions for deep penetration include woman dominant, so called doggy style, or penetration from behind as well as reverse cowgirl. Besides that, it is beneficial if the woman orgasms before the man if you are trying to have a boy. This changes the PH of the fluids near the cervix, making them welcoming the Y sperm.

Remember, these 3 Simple Secret to Have a Boy are not foolproof, but no matter what gender your child ends up being, the important thing is that they are healthy and happy.


About the Author

To discover Natural ways of Choosing Your Baby's Gender before conception, please visit now!

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Article Source: - 3 Simple Secret To Have A Boy

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