Friday, April 16, 2010

Home Improvements in the Air!

Well you can tell its spring, the lines are long at Home Improvement Centers with people buying flowers, potting soil and everything else to brighten up their homes. I stopped in to buy some plants and potting soil so I could spruce up my entry way.

Exhibit A (Entry Way)

My entry way was boring and covered with leaves. It needed a little color, a little piazza! I had just stopped at a Garage Sale prior to stopping at my local Home Improvement center and found several different size pots, a yellow flower candle holder, door mat and three hanging clay bull heads. They were perfect to add to my Tuscan/Spanish home feel.

Exhibit B (My Fines)

Here is a picture of my treasures. The best part is they cost me under $15 and they are in great shape. I like Garage selling because I feel I get a great deal and I am helping recycle Items that other wise would end up in a land fill. Not everything needs to be brand new or pricey to look good.

Exhibit C (The final Results)

Much more inviting and I love how it makes my entry area pop! These Items work great and go well with my other plants; I think the cat likes it to.

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