Friday, June 11, 2010

Jelly Fish Craft

Jelly Fish Craft


1-2 Large Coffee Filters Fishing string or Ribbon

Plastic Cup Food Coloring

Tissue Paper all colors Clear type

Smock/Old tee shirt (cover clothing) Wax paper

Cookie sheet


1. Line your cookie sheet with wax paper and place coffee filters in center of cookie sheet. Use your imagination and place small drops of food coloring on to coffee filters. Children love to watch the drops spread, continue placing different color drops until you are happy with the colors.

2. Thread fishing string through the base of a plastic cup so it hangs upside down. Then thread the string thought the base of the coffee filters so it hangs upside down over the cup.

3. Now you are ready to cut long strips of tissue paper and tape at the base of the cup and onto the filter. Add ribbon and make sure you can not see the cup; this makes the Jellyfish’s tentacles.

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