Friday, April 9, 2010

My Blog is Carbon Neutral

Did you know that a blog with 15,000 visits a month produces an equivalent of 8 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions? Who would have thought Blogging would be environmentally damaging. To off set these emissions a team In Germany have created an eco-friendly invitation to blogger called “Make it Green”

Since Blogging has become so popular it is up to us to lessen our carbon footprint. The people behind this eco-campaign are a German company called Kaufda. They are planting trees in cooperation with The Arbor Day Foundation. The trees will be planted in the Plumas National Forrest in Northern California to help neutralize the carbon footprint. Plumas has had its share of fires in the last 10 years has lost 88,000 acres of trees. So when you join and support carbon neutral Blogs they promise to plant one tree. One Blog = One Tree!

Let’s do our part and spread the word. Join and improve our carbon foot print! Way to go thanks for caring for the world around us. I will proudly display my carbon neutral button and look for other ways to minimize my footprint on this planet.

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